What is Rigid Centralizer
Rigid centralizers are used for casing centralization in cementing operation, the solid body of rigid centralizer is made of casting steel, aluminum,aluminum alloy or zinc alloy,reducing torque and drag, increasing flowing-by in the wellbore. Sometimes the rigid centralizer is called positive stand-off centralizer, because the rigid centralizers can provide positive stand off in openhole. There are different kinds of rigid centralizers according to different classifications as follows.
1.Made of different material:casting steel rigid centralizer,aluminum alloy rigid centralizer,zinc alloy rigid centralizer,composite rigid centralizer.
2.Different blades on rigid centralizer: straight blades rigid centralizer, spiral blades rigid centralizer. Spiral blades are angled
at 45° to provide the maximum fluid turbulence and are arranged to provide 100% circumferential coverage. Left hand and right hand centralizers are available for spiral blades rigid centralizers.
3.Different length centralizers:long rigid centralizer,short rigid centralizer.
4.With rollers or not on the rigid centralizer:standard rigid centralizer and roller rigid centralizer.
Usually we put the holes of setscrew on the centralizer blades,it will save the cost of stop collar and are tightened well on casing.
In order to make corrosion resisting and beautify rigid centralizer body,the centralizers are painted by powder baking coating,PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethene)baking coating in high temperature. Other coatings are available according to requirements.

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